"Don't let perfect be the enemy of good." ~Unknown
I've always enjoyed writing, even from an early age. Not the beautiful prose, story-telling, or imaginative kind of writing, but more of the "real life" and "this is the way it is" and "this is the way I speak and think" kind of writing. Even as an attorney, I had a knack for it. I remember when I was moving to my second law firm job, my boss where I had worked for 10 years told me that I had a gift for legal writing and that I would be missed at the firm. Over the course of my legal career, I have both written a lot and read a great deal of writing by other lawyers, expert witnesses, and regular every day people. One of the questions that ran on repeat inside of my brain all of these years has been, "Why is everyone so formal and wordy?" I always thought things could be better said in real life language and with less words. None of this is meant to be boastful. I tell you these things so you'll know me and my background.
I now know that at least one reason I love writing is because I am a very strong introvert. I never knew this until a few years ago when I read Susan Cain's book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking. I've never been a big talker. Unless I have had a cocktail or two, in which case I will talk to you. A lot. But, boy do I have a lot floating around in my brain. It just gets stuck in there. It doesn't come naturally to me to express my feelings and thoughts by talking. I hate talking on the phone, but I love texting, voice texts, and email. Anyway, I digress. We'll talk more about introverts later.
So, why did I start this blog? For a few different reasons.
First, I like to write and I wanted a place to write! I actually started a blog a couple of years ago, but it never got off the ground. You know why? Two reasons. First, I didn't have time because I was too busy billing hours as an attorney and being a mom. But, mostly the old blog never took off because I was waiting for it to be perfect. I wanted the perfect content, the perfect design, all of that. That's why you see that quote up at the top of this post. I decided to stop waiting for everything to be perfect and to just get started. Am I an expert blogger? Nope. Do I know all the fancy, trendy things that bloggers do and how to do them? Nope. But that's no reason not to get started. If you wait until the conditions and timing are perfect, you will be waiting forever.
Second, I needed a platform--a place to be me--that is outside of social media. I don't know about you, but I get a little tired of social media. It is finicky and it's always changing. You have to wade through a lot of junk to get to the good stuff. Social media companies are businesses and they control what you see. Here, because this is my website and my blog, I'm in control. And I like that.
Third, I'm an entrepreneur. I now run my own business from home and I teach others how to do the same. I wear a few different hats these days and I wanted one central place where all of my family, friends, clients, business partners, and fans can come to hear from me. Whether you are curious about what I'm up to, what the latest makeup trends are, how to start your own work-from-anywhere business, what color foundation you need, what to do after a car accident, what book to take to the beach, whether your legal contract has the right language in it, or where to find the cheapest laundry detergent, I'm your girl!

You know, we're all in this life together. I find great comfort in realizing that I am not alone in this world. Don't you? My hope is that maybe something you read here will help you, make you giggle, or make you feel better. Like you're not alone. Like you are not the only person in the world who feels a certain way, thinks a certain thing, likes or dislikes a certain thing, or struggles with a particular issue.
I'm so excited to be starting this journey with YOU, dear readers!!!! Let's grow together!
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